Amid increasing cases of corona infection across the country, the Ministry of Health has issued a new guideline regarding home isolation measures for the treatment of mild symptoms of Kovid-19. thisGuidelines have advised people not to panic when symptoms of corona appear, as most people can cure infection by staying at home by taking care of themselves. It has been said that people should first become isolated at home as soon as they see the first signs of infection. What to do after that, let's know about it

What to do in home isolation?

According to the new guideline, patients should start treatment on the advice of a doctor if they experience symptoms like fever, cough and runny nose. Patients should gargle with warm water and also recommended to steam twice a day.

According to the new guideline, patients should keep in touch with their doctor continuously and in any critical situation, the doctor should be informed immediately. If corona patients are already suffering from any disease, they can continue medication for that disease after consulting a doctor.

What to do if you have fever?

Guidelines state that paracetamol should be taken at the doctor's advice if there is fever, but if the fever does not subside even after taking paracetamol (650mg) four times a day, the patient should contact their doctor immediately. In such a situation, doctors may recommend taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as naproxen (250mg, twice a day).

What other medicines can I take?

According to the guideline, doctors may also advise a corona patient to take ivermectin tablets (200 mcg / kg, once daily on an empty stomach) for three to five days. Inhalational budesonide may be given if the patient continues to have symptoms such as fever and / or cough even after five days. This medicine of 800 mcg can be given to the patient through an inhaler twice a day for 5 to 7 days.